Details about cookies

Read in detail about the cookies that uses to create the most suitable offer, analyse your wishes and measure traffic… What are cookies, what cookies we use and other interesting information.

Cookie statement

Podrobně o cookies na gifts

In accordance with the provisions of Section 89 of Act No. 127/2005 Coll., on electronic communications, we would like to inform you that this website uses cookies for its operation, i.e. that we process your cookies, including persistent cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are short text files that a website sends to your browser. They allow the website to record information about your visit, such as your chosen language, browser settings and preferences. This can make your next visit to the website easier and more enjoyable. Cookies are important because without them, browsing the Internet would be much more difficult. Cookies make the user experience more efficient and are also used to distinguish individual users, to make better use of our website and to adapt its content to your needs. Almost every website in the world uses cookies.

What cookies we use

The website administrator may use session (i.e. temporary) cookies on the website to enable us to link your individual activities while you are browsing our website. These cookies are activated when you open your browser window and deactivated when you close your browser window. Session cookies are temporary and all these files are deleted when you close your browser. In addition, the website administrator may use persistent cookies to help us identify your computer if you revisit our website. Another advantage of persistent cookies is that they allow us to tailor our website to your needs.

1-first party cookies

  • – these cookies are associated with the domain of our website; they are essential cookies and performance cookies, and can be temporary or permanent;
  • essential cookies – they allow you to navigate the website and use basic functions, they do not identify you in any way and are not personal data;
  • performance cookies – used to analyse how the web interface is used (number of visits, time spent on the web interface, etc.); the data obtained by these cookies is anonymous;
  • 2-third-party cookies
  • these cookies are assigned to a different domain than the domain of our website, even when you are on our website; these cookies allow us to analyse our website and display tailored advertising for you; these are functional cookies and targeted and advertising cookies;*
  • Functional cookies – used to personalise content by remembering login details, geolocation, etc.; they may be used to collect and process personal data;
  • Targeting and advertising cookies – used to serve targeted ads on and off the website; they may collect and process personal data. We may also share information about your use of our website with our social media, advertising and analytics partners.*

*we do not use these cookies yet

Consent to the storage of cookies

Most browsers automatically accept cookies by default. Internet browsers usually include cookie management. Within your browser settings, you can probably delete individual cookies manually, block or completely disable their use. Information about browsers and how to set your cookie preferences can be found at the following links:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Internet Explorer
  • Opera
  • Safari

If you do not allow the use of cookies , some features and pages may not work as they should.

We use cookies to personalise content and ads, provide social media features and analyse website traffic. We share information about how you use our website with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. By using the website, you consent by linking to the following services:

  • Google – our website uses Google Analytics and possibly other services provided by Google, Inc.
  • Facebook

In order to display targeted advertising within advertising and social networks on other websites, we transmit data about your behaviour on the website to these advertising and social networks; however, we do not transmit your identification data to them.

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