Custom made money clips

Branded money clips as per your request
This page is primarily intended for companies and advertising agencies that are interested in advertising branded money clips to order in their own design / form with their own logo, as well as in wholesale volume of 100 pairs or more.

An RFID card case or also an RFID wallet with a money clip are among the luxury branded gifts. We will make them to order with a logo for you. mines. order: 100 PCs / custom design RFID wallets min. order: 10 PCs / design of RFID wallets in stock from the supplier-offer here

combination of materials by case type aluminum, stainless steel, PVC, metal different colors black, silver, blue, space, pink, …
Why are paper clips on money and RFID wallets made to order for promotion? part of everyday life-money clips and RFID wallets are part of everyday life and are very popular among many men small and yet large area on the print-money clip and RFID wallets are small and yet provide a relatively large area on the print and are therefore a brilliant promotional branded product practical and durable advertising item-money clip and RFID wallet are used to switch money or payment cards, and thanks to the durable materials they can be made from, they will be made for your customers to serve for years to come Executive advertising product-ideal for printing with a logo, company name, sports club perfect souvenir promotional item-suitable for printing with the name of organized events, schools or institutions.
Money clips are also fashionable
Money clips have become an increasingly modern accessory for many men in recent years. They are especially practical for men who do not like to carry purses. In recent years, we can also note the expansion of RFID cases or wallets, mainly due to the expansion of card payments. Using an RFID case or wallet, your cards or your customers ‘ cards will be protected from abuse. Thanks to advertising elements such as money clips or custom RFID wallets, you can forget about heavy and unnecessary crowded wallets.
Examples of money clips and RFID cases are just an illustration, and custom manufacturing offers a variety of colors, shapes, and styles. Are you interested in our offer and want to make branded money clips or RFID cases and custom made? Contact us for a price quote. You can use the contact form below or contact information here.