Ten best Gifts for employee

Your employees work long hours. More often than not, they sacrifice family time, have to deal with difficult clients, and have to deal with equally difficult situations. Yet for them, it is normalcy, routine. However, that does not mean that a gesture of recognition from their employer would not please them or have a positive impact.

Recognizing the contribution of your employees is not just a kind gesture on your part, it has become standard practice.

Research shows that valuing an employee’s contribution with something other than a paycheck not only retains a talented employee but also increases motivation, ensures good morale, and a good working atmosphere at the workplace. within the company.

We invite you to check out the following list of ten budget recognition gifts to convince yourself that you don’t have to spend a fortune to achieve these results.


There is nothing like a personal gift to honor a person. Employees won’t complain about receiving a gift in their name, whatever it is, because it means you put in a special effort and didn’t just take the first thing that came your way.

You can give handy gifts like Yeti tumblers, pens, or office supplies that certainly won’t end up in the back of drawers after a few days.

Personalized gifts are not that expensive, but you still have to plan to buy them because unless you have a printing department that can provide you with personalized products on demand, you have to take production time into consideration. Keep in mind that the effect such a gift will have is well worth the wait.


In a world of electronic communication, using traditional mail has fallen into disuse.

The advantage of this idea is that the recipient – your employee – will be completely taken by surprise. Curiosity and excitement will most likely be at their height as your employee questions who the mysterious sender is.

Some inexpensive but useful options for this type of gift are the water bottle, newspaper, headphones, or solar charger.

No matter what gift you choose to send, always make sure to add a personal note explaining why you feel your employee deserves to receive such a gift.


Through this activity, an employee is recognized for his good work but in addition, his colleagues are involved in this recognition which becomes collective.

To get started, choose a corporate trophy. It can be a stuffed animal, a figurine, or any other object. You can then give it to the employee who most embodies the values conveyed by your company. The employee would keep it for the week and another employee could be chosen for the following week.

You can make this activity fun by planning a weekly ceremony that involves all company staff. This peer recognition will certainly have a very positive impact on staff morale.

The great thing about this type of gift is that it is a one-time trophy purchase that costs next to nothing if only a few minutes of your time.


Receiving a gift from the hierarchy allows an employee to consider himself particularly appreciated.

Consider offering a meeting with the president or other senior company person. Thus, the employee will be offered the opportunity to share their point of view with someone who could possibly make a difference and they will also see that their contribution has been noticed and appreciated by the highest echelon of the company. .

This interaction allows leaders to establish a relationship of loyalty and partnership with their employees. What’s more, this activity will allow them to learn more about their team members in addition to allowing them to create a healthy and positive work environment. During the meeting, the leaders could present a gift to the employee. It could be a nice pen or a bigger gift.

A gift from a company executive will most certainly have a dramatic effect on the employee. At the very least, he / she will see it as a privilege that few will have enjoyed.


Receiving a gift of recognition when you don’t expect it can become an unforgettable and fun memory if the whole team is involved in the event. Why not take the opportunity to have a small party to mark the achievement of a goal or after a period of particularly intense work?

Make sure you always have company-branded mugs available to mark an occasion. Thus, your employees will keep a tangible memory of your gesture.


Recognizing the good work of your employees is not limited to what they do inside the walls of the company. Some may indeed have causes close to their hearts and in which they are involved. So why not join your efforts with theirs by offering them, for example, ecological bags that they could fill for the benefit of the organization where they volunteer or even offer them a T-shirt in the colors of this organization?

It’s a simple way to show your employees that you don’t just care about their performance at work, but that their personal interests are important to you as well.


Hard work comes at a price, and it doesn’t just come with a check.

If your employees are exceeding your expectations, you need to be aware that it probably comes at the cost of sacrifice. Arriving earlier, leaving later, or skipping meals to meet employer expectations is likely to have an impact on the health and well-being of your employees.

You can compensate them by giving them gifts that focus on their health and well-being. A massage roller, yoga mat or any other gymnastic accessory can make a big difference, create the right environment to promote relaxation and allow them to thrive!

When you show your employees that their personal needs are important to you, they will realize that the effort they put in has not gone unnoticed and they will be motivated to continue to engage.

A gift card for driving on the circuit


Everyone knows that a gift card is a last minute gift idea. And yet it always works! Generally, it serves as a means of payment in return for a product or any service, including sport, well-being, etc. It therefore allows you to indulge yourself without feeling guilty.

Many people see the gift card as a way to make the perfect gift without too much torture. You too, opt for this piloting gift card, and bet on fascinating activities such as motor sport or extreme sports such as parachute jumping, helicopter flights … To do this, choose the amount of your gift card so that the beneficiary can in turn choose between the selected internships.

It is best not to wait for the expiration date of the gift card and to place your order at least a month before the expiry date.

A gourmet gift box

If you’re stuck with gift ideas to mark the spirits of your employees, try a gourmet gift box.

By offering a personalized gift box on the theme of discovering world cuisines, you give your employees the opportunity to travel without buying them plane tickets. A meal in a Japanese restaurant will delight the taste buds of gourmets with their specialties such as makis and other ramen made before their eyes. While for Italian flavors, you will find caprese salads, agnolotti and antipasti in their menu. There is also very spicy Indian cuisine or French gastronomy.

In addition, a well-being box will be welcome as a gift for employees, especially to thank them after a year of hard work. They also have the right to a break and relaxation: spa treatments, massage, hammam… What to have fun! So, give them a moment of relaxation and rest with this gift box especially for well-being.

More classic corporate gifts

Among classic corporate gifts, of course, we find everything that involves communication by object and promotional gifts in general. These professional objects are there to remind the employee of their belonging to the company, but they can still be very appreciated and very useful if well chosen by the leaders of the company.

Here is a small list of our favorite personalized promotional items:

the powerbank: which allows you to recharge your smartphone for long journeys in transport or even on vacation.
the isothermal mug: always very useful in public transport and when traveling to always have your daily dose of tea / coffee warm and available.
the promotional USB key: you know this object that everyone needs, but that nobody ever has on hand when they want it …
the shopping bag: to leave at the office or in your car in case of unforeseen errands. In addition, it is one of the ecological promotional items that are very useful in everyday life!
the speaker or the briefcase: very classy and super useful for large meetings and appointments outside the box.
the promotional pen or ballpoint pen in your name: do you ever have too many pens? One of the most useful promotional items, even if not very fun, we grant you.
office accessories: advertising calendar, cardholder, business card, notepad, a stylus for tablet, etc.

Recognition gifts vary in price, they can be very affordable or expensive, but keep in mind that they are essential if you want to create or maintain a good working atmosphere, retain your employees and keep them happy.

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